confessions of a dog soldier

Thursday, December 30, 2010

hari yang cerah untuk jiwa yang sepi

pagi biar kusendiri
jangan kau mendekat
wahai matahari
dingin hati yang bersedih
tak begitu tenang
mulai terabaikan

hari yang cerah untuk jiwa yang sepi
begitu terang untuk cinta yang mati
ah... ku coba bertahan dan tak bisa

kubu langit kelabuku
tak begitu luas
seperti memudar
kini tak terulang lagi
di hari yang cerah
dia telah pergi

hari yang cerah untuk jiwa yang sepi
ahh... ku coba bertahan dan tak bisa
ahh... mencoba melawan ku lepas

hari yang cerah untuk jiwa yang sepi...
begitu terang untuk cinta yang mati

ahh... kucoba bertahan dan tak bisa
ahh... mencoba melawan ku lepas
semua telah hilang ....
semua telah ....

Monday, November 29, 2010

aku pencari

aku pencari erti.
makna yang tersirat,
dibalik tawa dan tangis,
dibalik pahit dan manis.

aku pencari teman.
mana yang hidup disisiku,
sehaluan dengan hatiku,
atau semata-mata seteru.

aku pencari jalan.
peta yang hilang dinaluri,
dimana tanah ku pijak,
adakah disitu langit dijunjungi?

aku pencari damai,
hati ini berkecamuk,
adakala tersangat remuk,
tapi selalunya ia mengamuk.

aku pencari rindu.
lagu-lagu yang meriangkan jiwa,
hari-hari yang membawa makna,
muka-muka yang sudah tiada.

aku pencari cinta.
batin yang pernah tertawa,
zahir dulunya gembira,
sememangnya rasa sempurna.

aku pencari pedoman.
hanya PadaMu Yang Satu,
sekerdil dan daif diriku,
kesetiaanku hanya buatMu.

aku pencari penhujung.
dimana pangkalnya dihilangkan,
dimana jalannya terbentang,
takkan tahu sebelum berakhir.

aku pencari keikhlasan,
dimana hatimu sanggup mencinta,
dimana jiwamu dapat menerima,
membawaku masuk dialam kasihmu.

aku pencari erti.
hidup yang terombang-ambing,
aku mahu mencari selesainya,
agar ertinya sempurna.

- Ariff Salleh

Monday, October 18, 2010


lately i heard you purr,

so much that my heart stir.

i know it was more,

it's you whom i adore.

the signs were pretty clear,

that one day i'll hold you dear.

neko-chan come here.

come with me.

i need to be with you,

i hope you feel the same for me too.

- nezumi-san

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

i'm past the stars

it was the wicked sneer that came out from your words,
that made me steer out far into the woods.

so i am lost now within the creeping weed,
i am as lost now i am waiting for time to bleed.

it appears that the potion you gave me the other day,
was just a mere drop of juice that made my head sway.

look, i need to fly up into the sky right now,
i just need to, i don't care how.

my dreams with you were just a load of empty thoughts,
so save me the night, just get out of my head.

i'm past the stars now, i'm past all the pain,
i'm the alpha male bastard now, the ugly and the vain.

you were never worth it, of that i think you already knew.
i hope not to cross path, there never was a me and you.

- ten oh niner the crossbred mechanical beast

Sunday, August 29, 2010

until we bleed

i'm naked
i'm numb
i'm stupid
i'm staying
and if cupid's got a gun, then he's shootin'

lights black
heads bang
you're my drug
we live it
you're drunk, you need it
real love, I'll give it

so we're bound to linger on
we drink the fatal drop
then love until we bleed
then fall apart in parts

you wasted your times
on my heart
you've burned
and if bridges gotta fall, then you'll fall, too

doors slam
lights black
you're gone
come back
stay gone
stay clean
i need you to need me

so we're bound to linger on
we drink the fatal drop
then love until we bleed
Then fall apart in parts

now we're bound to linger on
we drink the fatal drop
then love until we bleed
then fall apart in parts

- andreas kleerup and lykke li

Kleerup - Until We Bleed .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tarian Fitrah

sekiranya hidup ini satu dansa,
sudikah kau menari dalam sanubariku?
adapun khayalan itu menyesatkan,
bukankah nurani mahu gembira?

hatimu berselekoh menuju kegelapan.
usah tercari-cari cahaya nur.
rohanimu teresak-esak mencari kebenaran.
usah mengambil wudhu' lagi.

lihatlah sahabatku,
akan segala yang kau kecapi.
bukankah ini masa yang sesuai,
buat hatimu berlayar ke asal fitrahmu?

hakiskanlah kotoran dijiwamu.
usah terkenang pada pagi yang manis,
kerna manisan itu hanyalah racun,
didalam kembara hidupmu ini.

kembalilah kepada yang benar,
ayuh suluhkan cahaya nur lagi.
kibarkanlah bendera kesucian,
belum terlambat berwudhu' kini.

seindah senyuman bayi,
indahkanlah pula hatimu kini.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dear Savannah

Dear Savannah,

I believe there is nothing much for us to say.

Lest my heart bleed for long, time is my only medic.

That man? Why he's a scoundrel nonetheless.

Even so, I cherish the moments when we were pure.

Life will erase you from my soul soon enough.

- John

Dear John

Dear John,

In you I cant feel anymore joy.
In you I have left no love for.
In you my life is a misery.
In you I cant live properly.

For you, my answer will be the same.
For you, I can never change.
For you, I can only remember the pain.
For you, I am afraid its where the end begins.

With you, I've sinned a dozen lies.
With you, I'd thought we lived and die.
With you, I cant be with.
With you, i have to sin again.

You scarred me John.
Even while we're making love,
I fear the person on top of me.
You scarred me too deep John.

John, I wished you were still the person i fell in love with.
John, I wished i had never lost my love for you.
John, it's time for us to get on with our lives.
John, I am sorry.

I fell in love with another man because of you.
But no John, I will love him without you.
I will love him to forget about you.
How I'd wish you were still John...

- Savannah

Thursday, July 1, 2010

semper in angaria


The Grand Puppet Master

and so you have made your choice.

the ones that will embellish for a while,
your preposterous, fabricated land of stars.

not caring even a minute fragment,
of the dreams that you have demolished.

i salute your malevolent oracle,
in the name of profits and riches.

we are the broken puppets that you have forsaken.


The Princess from The Bends

on the fifth hour is your coronation.

at long last you came upon this acropolis,
will you renounce this kismet?
to dance across the northern aurora?
you are a princess with or without a tiara.

gloriously crafted against your freewill.

and come what may,
it will be a diamond studded carpet,
rolled out, for you.
to dance with that heavy heart.

but you are, and will always be idolized.


The Hawaiian Prince

the waves bow down to you

the supreme hero
to valiantly cross
the ocean of dead dreams

warrior prince bestowed by Kane and Ku
to immerse in battles
and return triumphant.

the glory that will be
immortalized across the sun
and the twelve moons.

will you be the deity that favors riches?

- alle ri the non-believer

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the affirmation

so words race like flies in a dumpster
so i got to know the lies everyone looked after.

and here i am still thinking it was a mere shadow,
and here i am still wishing a lovestruck down below.

i am the reason of my own ignorance in building castles in the air.
i am the contradiction of what my dreams came about to a certain despair.

thinking and wishing what would be a volatile chemistry,
alas i am the squire who thought everything else was for free.

in times like this that i have already known
where my pointless admiration have flown.

yes this is my final affirmation
my instinctive confirmation.

that you looked at me as a silhouette,
never existed never to get.

in your eyes, i am a just a passer-by.
and may lady luck smile upon your fate.

- kirei the daydreamer

Friday, June 4, 2010

that blind angel

no father, you're not a father.
you are not but my only father.
and this day, though may never revealed,
be an oath that i am your other son still.

happy birthday old man.

- ArSa

Thursday, May 20, 2010

someday in may

it was monday that i missed you,
but then again you might not know.

then tuesday had a glimpse on the tube,
of the person i came to adore.

wednesday was the night,
when i thought everything was alright.

thursday came to tell me the truth,
to stop wasting my youth.

on friday it was solemn,
but in my heart was still you.

saturday caught me trying,
to revive a love that was dying.

and sunday became the day,
that a love just went away,

of all the only one day,
i'll remember us someday in may.

- melancholy of the 2nd child

Sunday, May 16, 2010

the man on TV

that song he sang from long ago,
came back to haunt my living room.
the dead man kept singing on, smiling.
oh yes, he was that man on TV from the 60s.

- puka the couch

Thursday, April 29, 2010

the chronicles of le rouge

i stood there hammering tenderloins
while she shoved a lager in his face
and merry men sang songs of mule coins
and silly rhymes of horrible tastes.

when she came, staggered and smiling,
i knew she needs a shoulder to cry.
she ordered chocolates and other things,
but i heard a heart waiting to die.

hey sally, your day is just half as bad as mine.
i'd tell you tales of sorrow but with a smile.
hey baby, don't fret because we are all not doing fine.
this world is a beautiful place, served with roses and bile.

and i gave her coffee on the house, waiting for some tips.
but she kept smiling and smiling amidst her bleeding lips.
with an empty hand, i coughed a story from two days ago,
about how i swam in sands, while i was having some blow.

her lips kept bleeding i thought i was rose syrup.
i knew she has to get a grip before i chased her out.
i don't need a tragic lady, to spoil my get up.
so i'm telling you once, you have to go out and about.

forget what happened already, just move on.
this life is just a cuppa with a little smooch.
it's time for you to hastily be gone,
so i can continue the chronicles of le rouge.

- the seventh chef of the angry salmon

Monday, March 29, 2010


i am home
with my cats
and smelly toilets

my bed calls
me to sleep again
so i dream

i was a car
speeding fast
never crashed

the traffic light
smiled back
to scold me

so i swear
to go faster
then before

my home
is my journey
to my heart

my home
is the stinky cave
that i love

my soul feels
that i am home
when i cry

well, my home
is the same as yours
when we die.

- hantaryu the lone virtual swordsman

Sunday, March 14, 2010

i am your phantom

you sang to my ears when my heart was broken.
you were there when the world did not listen.

your songs of love and broken dreams,
was near to my heart or so it seems.

he sat down closer and breathe a speck of my spirit,
for when i realized, he was just a phantom under the shadow lit.

i abandoned you, when you heard me and you came,
i need my freedom from your treacherous promises of fame.

i am the wandering dream for your night to fall asleep,
i used to be the pillow for your soul to keep.

begone, o ye useless thoughts of shameless women,
begone, o ye hateful romance from the omen.

my phantom lies inside your insanity,
as i creep your soul through this reality.

- hasbath the reckoner

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


i am the shimmering glass in your false existence.
i am the believer of foreign gospels.
i am the omen of your neglected premonitions.
i am the shaman that craft your spells

i feel i need to diminish the love in my heart.
i feel i need to feel the love for my faith once again.
i feel i need to tear these worlds apart.
i feel i need to destroy everything before it even begin.

i want to be the white wizard for your soul.
i want to be the paladin your world needs so bad.
i want to be appreciated and respected for my role.
i want to not feel the miserable void whenever i am sad.

i cant help it if the world crumbles before my feet.
i cant help it if you harbor much hatred for me.
i cant help it if you wished that we could have never meet.
i cant help it that only sadness and misery are all you can see.

i need you to show me how to slay a heart.
i need you to stab me a million times in my chest.
i need you to believe that we are a trillion worlds apart.
i need you to be eternally with me when we finally come to rest.

no words can ever explain how madly in love i am with you.

- the fool in the photograph

Friday, January 29, 2010

the five finger rumble

i swung my fingers to the calling,
that i forget i am slapping a heart.

my fingers fall into the rumble of hatred,
that it wildly made its way.

and it landed on the yearn of a lover,
such omen of ill fated truth.

this perception of life as it lingers,
this harbinger of a lesson told.

the forward march of the five fingers,
the silent rhythm of its fold.

and before i realized the dance is over,
the horror had the winning shot.

- benard the jerryboy

Sunday, January 3, 2010

alter ego ku

puas hatiku kini melihatmu,
dalam ambang kesengsaraan.

puas hatiku kini mendengar,
tangisan isi hatimu.

puas juga aku tertawa,
akan sifat lemahmu,

yang ku tonjolkan
dan ku manupulasikan
terhadap dirimu sendiri.

aku datang kepadamu,
tanpa seutas benang.
sifatku yang telanjang
ku paparkan kelemahan ku.

tetapi dengan bongkaknya,
kau menawan hatiku,
kau menerima ku,
sebagai penganut kerdil empayar angkasamu.

terkilan juga ku menjulang mentari,
sebagaimana yang kau membuatnya
kelihatan kecil segengam,
kelihatan seperti yang lain tak bermaya.

aku togok semua cerca dan hamunan,
dari lidah berbisamu itu,
ibarat unta kehausan,
tapi aku hanya kehausan ilmu.

tidak ku endah kata sinis yang lain,
yang mempersendakan semangatku.

aku tidaklah arif,
tentang kelihaian durjana
gengamanmu, oh globalisasi,
serta tusukan hipokrit bayanganmu.

tapi aku seorang yang hanya mimpikan kebebasan,
dari gejala kemiskinan yang sentiasa membelengu
anak bangsa ku,
bapak bangsa ku.

mungkin aku bukanlah yang pertama,
yang mencabar pertikaian ini,
tapi inilah tanggungjawabku,
terhadap kewujudan tamadunku.

aku ingin melihat kau menangis,
kerna kebodohanmu yang ketara,
tak mengunakan peluang,
yang ada di depan mata.

takkan terlambat mereka kata,
untuk memulakan suatu usaha?

apakah kata-kata yang ibarat nyamuk itu
tak terlintas di hatimu terus?

yang sepatutnya maju adalah kamu!
yang sepatutnya bebas adalah hatimu!

andai kau punya alter ego untuk maju,
mungkin aku pula yang kau tawakan.